Respiratory Therapist Supervisor Shares the Impact of School Changes on all Healthcare Workers

For Anoop George, MPA, RRT, a staff supervisor at Temple University Hospital and a parent, recent survey results taken by more than 2,000 HERO members on how school changes have impacted their lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic are personal.

In a new video George reports on findings that healthcare workers are feeling more distracted, more anxious, struggling to find and pay for childcare, and not able to work their typical schedule. As a supervisor he sees firsthand how healthcare workers are struggling to balance work and their children’s school schedules. George also sees how healthcare workers who do not have children in school are also impacted as they are asked to step in to support coworkers by changing their schedule and picking up shifts to accommodate impacted colleagues.

“As part of a management staff for healthcare workers it’s a constant juggle between meeting the needs of the organization and understanding and supporting the struggles of our staff,” he said. “We are very grateful to those who are willing to change their schedule to give a hand to their co-workers by picking up shifts.”

“Almost all of the health care workers and the resources available are stretched to its limits and stressed out with the pandemic,” George says.

George asks, where do we go from here? What is the solution to the struggles and problems healthcare workers are facing? “I am grateful that my kids are in school, but I am constantly worried about them. Every time my phone rings it’s a relief to see that it’s not from the school,” he says. It’s his personal opinion that younger students should be in school with proper protections and schools following strict protocols for disinfecting. Parents also need to be responsible enough to keep children home when they are sick.

George thanks HERO Registry members for participating in this survey and for sharing their valuable experiences. By sharing what it is like to work and live during the COVID-19 pandemic, HERO Registry members are shedding light on challenges that may have a larger impact on the overall healthcare system.

All people working in healthcare are invited to join the HERO Registry today. Together, we can find solutions through research to support and protect all healthcare workers.